1) Install chef on your personal machine
In my case, my personal laptop is running OS X (gasp! I used to be a big-time Ubuntu-everywhere user, but I changed my mind after being handed a MacBook Air).
I won't go into the gory details on installing chef locally, but here are a few notes:
- I installed the XCode command line tools, then I installed Homebrew. Note that plain XCode wasn't sufficient, I had to download the dmg package for the command line tools and install that.
- I installed git via brew.
- I installed chef via
- sudo true && curl -L http://opscode.com/chef/install.sh | sudo bash
- I installed the EC2 plugin for knife via
- cd /opt/chef/embedded/bin/; sudo ./gem install knife-ec2
2) Clone chef-repo locally
Best practices dictate that you keep your chef-repo directory structure in version control. If you are using git, like we do, then you need to clone that locally via a git clone command.
3) Deploy chef client and validation keys
The keys are kept in chef-repo/.chef in our case. You need 2 keys: your_username.pem and validation.pem. You need to coordinate with your Chef server administrator to get them. A good way of passing keys around is to encrypt them on encypher.it and send the link in an email, and communicate the decryption by some out of band mechanism (such as voice).
4) Configure knife via knife.rb
You need a knife.rb file which sits in chef-repo/.chef as well. Here's a sample (replace username with your actual username, and set the proper EC2 access keys):
log_level :info
log_location STDOUT
node_name 'username'
client_key '/Users/username/chef-repo/.chef/username.pem'
validation_client_name 'chef-validator'
validation_key '/Users/username/chef-repo/.chef/validation.pem'
chef_server_url 'http://chef.example.com:4000'
cache_type 'BasicFile'
cache_options( :path => '/tmp/checksums' )
cookbook_path [ './cookbooks' ]
# EC2:
knife[:aws_access_key_id] = "xxxxxxxxxx"
knife[:aws_secret_access_key] = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
5) Test your knife setup
An easy way to see if knife can communicate properly with the Chef server at this point is to list the nodes in your infrastructure via
knife node list
If this doesn't work, you need to troubleshoot it until you make it work ;-)
BTW, in my case, I need to run knife while in the chef-repo directory, for it to properly read the files in the .chef subdirectory.
BTW, in my case, I need to run knife while in the chef-repo directory, for it to properly read the files in the .chef subdirectory.
6) Create a new cookbook
For this example, I'll create a cookbook called myblog. The idea is to install nginx and Octopress.
The proper command to use is:
# knife cookbook create myblog
This will create a directory called myblog under chef-repo/cookbooks, and it will populate it with files and subdirectories pertaining to that cookbook (such as attributes, definitions, recipes, etc).
7) Download any other required cookbooks
For this example, I will download the nginx cookbook from the Opscode community cookbooks. I first search for the nginx cookbook, then I install it:
# knife cookbook site search nginx
# knife cookbook site install nginx
Once the nginx cookbook is installed locally, you still need to upload it to the Chef server:
# knife cookbook upload nginx
8) Create recipe for installing nginx and Octopress in new cookbook
Now that the pre-requisite cookbook is installed and uploaded to Chef, you can use it in your custom cookbook. You need to add references to the pre-requisite cookbook (nginx) in the following 2 files under cookbooks/myblog:
Add this to metadata.rb:
depends "nginx"
Add this to README.md:
* nginx
The actual custom recipe for myblog lives in cookbooks/myblog/recipes/default.rb. In my case, here's what I do to install Octopress:
include_recipe 'nginx'
include_recipe 'ruby::1.9.1'
# set default ruby to point to 1.9.1 (which is actually 1.9.3!)
system("update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/ruby ruby /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 400 --slave /usr/share/man/man1/ruby.1.gz ruby.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/ruby1.9.1.1.gz --slave /usr/bin/ri ri /usr/bin/ri1.9.1 --slave /usr/bin/irb irb /usr/bin/irb1.9.1 --slave /usr/bin/rdoc rdoc /usr/bin/rdoc1.9.1")
# install bundler via gems
system("gem install bundler")
# get octopress source code and install it via bundle and rake
system("cd /opt/; git clone git://github.com/imathis/octopress.git octopress")
system("cd /opt/octopress; bundle install; rake install")
It's a pretty convoluted way of installing Octopress, and it requires installing version 1.9.1 of ruby via the Opscode ruby cookbook first. It took me a few tries to get it right, but it seems to do the job, although I know running system commands on the remote node is not the preferred way of configuring nodes with Chef.
9) Upload new cookbook to Chef server
In order for the new cookbook you created to be available, you need to upload it to the Chef server:
# knife cookbook upload myblog
10) Test new cookbook by deploying new node
At this point, you are ready to test your shiny new cookbook. I did this by launching a new EC2 instance associated with the recipe in the myblog cookbook.
What follows is a command line using the knife EC2 plugin which took me a few tries to get right. It works for me, so I hope it will work for you too if you ever decide to do something similar. I had to dig into the knife-ec2 source code to get to some of these options, since they aren't documented in the README.
# knife ec2 server create -r "role[base], recipe[myblog]" -I ami-0d153248 --flavor c1.medium --region us-west-1 -g sg-7babb117 -i ~/.ssh/mykey.pem -x ubuntu -N myblog -S mykey -s subnet-ca6d20a3 -T T=techblog --ebs-size 50
This tells knife to launch an Ubuntu 12.04 instance (the -I AMI_ID option) associated with a 'base' role and the 'myblog' recipe (the -r option), size c1.medium (the --flavor option), in the us-west-1 region (the --region option), in a given security group (the -g option) and a given VPC subnet (the -s option), using the mykey.pem to ssh into the instance (the -i option -- where mykey.pem is the private key corresponding to the keypair you specify with the -S option) as user ubuntu (the -x option), using the mykey keypair name (the -S option -- this is a keypair that you must already have created), with a Chef node name of myblog (the -N option), an EC2 tag of techblog (the -T option), and finally an EBS root volume size of 50 GB (the --ebs-size option). Whew.
# knife cookbook create myblog
This will create a directory called myblog under chef-repo/cookbooks, and it will populate it with files and subdirectories pertaining to that cookbook (such as attributes, definitions, recipes, etc).
7) Download any other required cookbooks
For this example, I will download the nginx cookbook from the Opscode community cookbooks. I first search for the nginx cookbook, then I install it:
# knife cookbook site search nginx
# knife cookbook site install nginx
Once the nginx cookbook is installed locally, you still need to upload it to the Chef server:
# knife cookbook upload nginx
8) Create recipe for installing nginx and Octopress in new cookbook
Now that the pre-requisite cookbook is installed and uploaded to Chef, you can use it in your custom cookbook. You need to add references to the pre-requisite cookbook (nginx) in the following 2 files under cookbooks/myblog:
Add this to metadata.rb:
depends "nginx"
Add this to README.md:
* nginx
The actual custom recipe for myblog lives in cookbooks/myblog/recipes/default.rb. In my case, here's what I do to install Octopress:
include_recipe 'nginx'
include_recipe 'ruby::1.9.1'
# set default ruby to point to 1.9.1 (which is actually 1.9.3!)
system("update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/ruby ruby /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 400 --slave /usr/share/man/man1/ruby.1.gz ruby.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/ruby1.9.1.1.gz --slave /usr/bin/ri ri /usr/bin/ri1.9.1 --slave /usr/bin/irb irb /usr/bin/irb1.9.1 --slave /usr/bin/rdoc rdoc /usr/bin/rdoc1.9.1")
# install bundler via gems
system("gem install bundler")
# get octopress source code and install it via bundle and rake
system("cd /opt/; git clone git://github.com/imathis/octopress.git octopress")
system("cd /opt/octopress; bundle install; rake install")
It's a pretty convoluted way of installing Octopress, and it requires installing version 1.9.1 of ruby via the Opscode ruby cookbook first. It took me a few tries to get it right, but it seems to do the job, although I know running system commands on the remote node is not the preferred way of configuring nodes with Chef.
9) Upload new cookbook to Chef server
In order for the new cookbook you created to be available, you need to upload it to the Chef server:
# knife cookbook upload myblog
10) Test new cookbook by deploying new node
At this point, you are ready to test your shiny new cookbook. I did this by launching a new EC2 instance associated with the recipe in the myblog cookbook.
What follows is a command line using the knife EC2 plugin which took me a few tries to get right. It works for me, so I hope it will work for you too if you ever decide to do something similar. I had to dig into the knife-ec2 source code to get to some of these options, since they aren't documented in the README.
# knife ec2 server create -r "role[base], recipe[myblog]" -I ami-0d153248 --flavor c1.medium --region us-west-1 -g sg-7babb117 -i ~/.ssh/mykey.pem -x ubuntu -N myblog -S mykey -s subnet-ca6d20a3 -T T=techblog --ebs-size 50
This tells knife to launch an Ubuntu 12.04 instance (the -I AMI_ID option) associated with a 'base' role and the 'myblog' recipe (the -r option), size c1.medium (the --flavor option), in the us-west-1 region (the --region option), in a given security group (the -g option) and a given VPC subnet (the -s option), using the mykey.pem to ssh into the instance (the -i option -- where mykey.pem is the private key corresponding to the keypair you specify with the -S option) as user ubuntu (the -x option), using the mykey keypair name (the -S option -- this is a keypair that you must already have created), with a Chef node name of myblog (the -N option), an EC2 tag of techblog (the -T option), and finally an EBS root volume size of 50 GB (the --ebs-size option). Whew.
If everything goes well, you'll see something similar to this:
Instance ID: i-3c98b265
Flavor: c1.medium
Image: ami-0d153248
Region: us-west-1
Availability Zone: us-west-1b
Security Group Ids: sg-7babb117
Tags: TtechblogNametechblog
SSH Key: mykey
Waiting for server................
Subnet ID: subnet-ca7e10a3
Private IP Address:
Flavor: c1.medium
Image: ami-0d153248
Region: us-west-1
Availability Zone: us-west-1b
Security Group Ids: sg-7babb117
Tags: TtechblogNametechblog
SSH Key: mykey
Waiting for server................
Subnet ID: subnet-ca7e10a3
Private IP Address:
followed by the output of an ssh session in which chef-client will run on the newly created instance. You'll be able to see if the chef-client run was successful or not. In either case, you should able to ssh into the new instance with the mykey.pem private key.
11) Commit any new or modified cookbooks
Now that you tested you cookbooks (both the pre-requisite ones such as nginx, and new ones such as myblog), you need to commit them to the chef-repo git repository so other members of your team can take advantage of them. You do this with git add, git commit and git push.
12) Other useful knife commands
You should be able to get information from the Chef server about the new node you just launched by running:
# knife node show techblog
Node Name: techblog
Environment: _default
Run List: role[base], recipe[myblog]
Roles: base, sysadmin_sudoers
Recipes: apt, ntp, timezone, chef-client::service, chef-client::delete_validation, base-apps, users::sysadmins, sudo, nagios-plugins, ruby, rubygems, sensu::client, myblog
Platform: ubuntu 12.04
You can also edit the run list of a given node by running:
# knife node edit techblog
(you need to set your EDITOR variable to your favorite editor first).
To inspect a given role, use:
# knife role show monitoring
chef_type: role
description: Installs the sensu monitoring client and related software
json_class: Chef::Role
name: monitoring
There are many other knife commands you can use -- in fact, using knife to its full potential is an art in itself. Here is a sample of knife commands, courtesy of our Chef guru Jeff Roberts:
This command searches sensu.client.subscriptions and finds node that are running the mysql check.
knife search node "sensu_client_subscriptions:mysql"
Show the sensu subscriptions for the jira.corp node.
knife node show jira.corp -a sensu.client.subscriptions
Show the EC2 attrs for the test_box node.
knife node show test_box -a "ec2"
Search all nodes and find ones in the "us-west-*" availability zone.
knife search node "ec2_placement_availability_zone:us-west-*" -a "ec2"
Search for all nodes in the role, "webserver" and show the "apache.sites" attribute.
knife search node "role:webserver" -a apache.sites
List all of the versions of the cookbook "nginx".
knife cookbook show nginx
Find all of the nodes in the "prod" environment.
knife search node "chef_environment:prod"
Find the last next available UID.
knife search users "*:*" -a uid | grep uid | sort