- "The Art of Computer Programming", esp. vol. 3 "Sorting and Searching" - Donald Knuth
- "Operating Systems" - William Stallings
- "Introduction to Algorithms" - Thomas Cormen et al.
- "The C Programming Language" - Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie
- "Programming Windows" - Charles Petzold
- "Writing Solid Code" - Steve Maguire
- "The Practice of Programming" - Brian Kernighan and Rob Pike
- "Computer Networks - a Systems Approach" - Larry Peterson and Bruce Davie
- "TCP/IP Illustrated" - W. Richard Stevens
- "Distributed Systems - Concepts And Design" - George Coulouris et al.
- "DNS and BIND" - Cricket Liu and Paul Albitz
- "UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook" - Evi Nemeth et al.
- "The Mythical Man-Month" - Fred Brooks
- "Programming Perl" - Larry Wall et al.
- "Counter Hack Reloaded: a Step-by-Step Guide to Computer Attacks and Effective Defenses" - Edward Skoudis and Tom Liston
- "Programming Python" - Mark Lutz
- "Lessons Learned in Software Testing" - Cem Kaner, James Bach, Bret Pettichord
- "Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code" - Martin Fowler
- "The Pragmatic Programmer" - Andrew Hunt and David Thomas
- "Becoming a Technical Leader" - Gerald Weinberg
- "Extreme Programming Explained" - Kent Beck
- "Programming Amazon Web Services" - James Murty
- "Building Scalable Web Sites" - Cal Henderson
- "RESTful Web Services" - Leonard Richardson, Sam Ruby
- "The Art of Capacity Planning" - John Allspaw
What is your list?
Nice List ! Recognizing most and looking to put some on my wish-list.
Two notes :
The link to "The mythical man month" is broken (typo in the url)
You link a lot to Amazon which is fine for the reviews and the global reach. But for people who want to save a few bucks http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/ is also very nice with world wide free delivery. ( I am not affiliated with them, just like their prices :) )
Kees -- thanks, I fixed the link.
Fantastic list! Good to see some Kaner and Weinberg on the list; a lot of colleagues I talk to only know the Beck and Fowler books.
I would love to get a copy of Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas Cormen. Is this book easy to read? I wouldn't want one that's full of academic stuff. Although I have solid programming experience, I am not adept at algorithms. I got interested in algorithms because I once went to an interview for a job that was all about it. I tried learning on my own but found it requires too much time and focus - things I don't have at the moment. I need something like an idiot's guide to algorithms, if that's at all possible.
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