Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Behaviour Driven Infrastructure

I just read a post by Matthew Flanagan on Behaviour Driven Infrastructure or BDI, a concept that apparently originates with Martin Englund's post on this topic. The idea is that you describe what you need your system to do in natural language, using for example a tool such as Cucumber. What's more, you can then use the cucumber-nagios plugin to express the desired behaviour of the new system as a series of Nagios checks. The checks will initiall fail (just like in a TDD or BDD development cycle), but you will make them pass by deploying the appropriate packages and applications to the system.

I also expressed the need for automated testing of production deployments in one of my blog posts. However, BDI goes one step further, by describing a test plan for production deployments in natural language. Pretty cool, and again I can only wish that the Python testing tools kept up with Ruby-based tools such as Cucumber and friends....


Unknown said...

This is the first I've heard of Cucumber, which looks like a fantastic idea. Agreed that there needs to be something similar in the Python ecosystem... something else to add to the never ending list of things to play with :)

Matthew Flanagan said...

Hi Grig,

There is pycukes for us Pythonistas!


Modifying EC2 security groups via AWS Lambda functions

One task that comes up again and again is adding, removing or updating source CIDR blocks in various security groups in an EC2 infrastructur...