Thursday, November 19, 2009

5 years of blogging

Today marks the 5th anniversary of my blog. It's been a fun and rewarding experience, and I hope to never run out of interesting topics to post about ;-)

As a sort of retrospective, I was curious to see which of my blog posts have been getting the most traffic. Here's the top 10 over the last 9 months, according to Google Analytics:

1. Performance vs. load vs. stress testing (as an aside, I think this has been wildly popular because I inadvertently hit on a lot of keywords in the title)
2. Experiences deploying a large-scale infrastructure in Amazon EC2
3. Ajax testing with Selenium using waitForCondition
4. Useful tools for writing Selenium tests
5. Load balancing in EC2 with HAProxy
6. Python unit testing part 1: the unittest module
7. HTTP performance testing with httperf, autobench and openload
8. Running a Python script as a Windows service
9. Apache virtual hosting with Tomcat and mod_jk
10. Configuring Apache 2 and Tomcat 5.5 with mod_jk

It's interesting that 2 of the top 5 posts are Selenium-related. I think Selenium documentation is not where it needs to be generally speaking, hence people find my old posts on this topic. Adam, you really need to write a Selenium RC book!


igor said...

Congratulations and please keep up! I first found your articles on automation in EC2 environment. When I saw the quality of your posting, I read the whole archives.

Gheorghe Gheorghiu said...

Chiar voiam sa te felicit pentru cei cinci ani de blog , mai ales ca nu este un blog "beletristic".
Iti urez sa ai parte de satisfactii "cat curpinde" :-)

Paul Hildebrandt said...

Way to go Grig!

Modifying EC2 security groups via AWS Lambda functions

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