1. Downloaded and bunzip-ed firebird-
2. Ran ./configure, then make and make install in the firebird- directory.
By default, this installs the Classic version of Firebird in /usr/local/firebird (the Classic version allows processes to connect directly to database files; the SuperServer version requires processes to open a socket to a server process, which then accesses the database files).
The 'make install' command also asks for a password for the SYSDBA user. If you happen to forget the password, you can always retrieve it by looking at the file /usr/local/firebird/SYSDBA.password as root. You change the password by running /usr/local/firebird/bin/changeDBAPassword.sh.
3. Downloaded the kinterbasdb-3.1.src.tar.gz Python module and installed it via python setup.py install.
4. Downloaded and installed the mxDateTime Python module from here (this module is required by kinterbasdb.)
5. Tested kinterbasdb against the example employee database shipped with Firebird:
>>> import kinterbasdb
>>> conn = kinterbasdb.connect(database='/usr/local/firebird/examples/employee.fdb')
>>> cursor = conn.cursor()
>>> cursor.execute('select * from country')
>>> print cursor.fetchall()
[('USA', 'Dollar'), ('England', 'Pound'), ('Canada', 'CdnDlr'), ('Switzerland','SFranc'), ('Japan', 'Yen'), ('Italy', 'Lira'), ('France', 'FFranc'), ('Germany', 'D-Mark'), ('Australia', 'ADollar'), ('Hong Kong', 'HKDollar'), ('Netherlands', 'Guilder'), ('Belgium', 'BFranc'), ('Austria', 'Schilling'), ('Fiji', 'FDollar')]
At this point, I created a Firebird database file called test.gdb, owned by user root and group root. When I connected to this database as root via the isql utility in /usr/local/firebird, everything looked good:
[root@localhost]# /usr/local/firebird/bin/isql
Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
SQL> connect test.gdb;
Database: test.gdb
However, when I tried to connect to the database as a non-root user, I got this error:
$ /usr/local/firebird/bin/isql
Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
SQL> connect test.gdb;
Statement failed, SQLCODE = -551
no permission for read-write access to database test.gdb
What I needed to do was to change ownership and permissions for the test.gdb file so that it was owned by user firebird and group firebird, and it was group-writeable:
chown firebird.firebird test.gdb
chmod 664 test.gdb
My goal was to have the Firebird database accessible from a CGI script running from Apache.
The httpd process was running as user apache, so I had to add this user to the firebird group in /etc/group. I then restarted httpd to take into account the new group membership.
At this point, from my CGI script, I was able to open a connection to test.gdb via:
conn = kinterbasdb.connect(database='test.gdb', user='SYSDBA',
I found the firebird-devel mailing list very helpful in solving some of the issues I faced. In particular, this message allowed me to get past the non-root user problems.